Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The father of good music.

When people said this name, people would be amazed by his work. When people said his name, people would be sad or grief of his absent. Who is this guy? He's the late 'Tan Sri P Ramlee'. There is no one, that can imitate, what ever he had done in the past. I never get bored watching his movie. I even go to the P Ramlee musical back then. And in that musical, they've also stated, how hard his life after the 'Shaw Brothers' sent him to Malaysia. I also watch his biography last time, and believe me, I can feel tears in eye watching that. It's not that i'm a softie or shit. Its just that. I can't believe, this guy have change the perspective on what malay movie directors can do, and still, people always want more, and they oftenly mock him and his work. And when he's gone, then only people appreciate his work. One of his movie I appraise is 'Ibu Mertuaku'. This movie, is one of the most awesomest movie i've watch in my life. Seriously, we would never find another P Ramlee, there's no point of searching :') And as i'm typing this down, i'm watching a P Ramlee movie, that is 'Pendekar Bujang Lapok'.
P Ramlee, thank you :)

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